Plan miasta Neversfelde

Neversfelde - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Christian Mangold (bneversfelde/b) #39;s status on Saturday, 21-Nov-09 b.../b

Christian Mangold (bneversfelde/b) 's status on Saturday, 21-Nov-09 20:43:59 UTC. Christian Mangold bneversfelde/b. @jonobacon I think freenode uses qwebirc, but I am not sure, if this is what you are actually ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Christian Mangold (bneversfelde/b) #39;s status on Wednesday, 23-Dec-09 b.../b

Christian Mangold (bneversfelde/b) 's status on Wednesday, 23-Dec-09 23:07:02 UTC. Christian Mangold bneversfelde/b. Driving about 1000 km to my parents house wasn't fun. Listening to the radio is horror during christmas. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Let's make some baskets..

Neversfelde and Czessi (thank you guys!) made the package for our repo, and I have to say that I'm really impressed! Basket made a huge step forward and is now a really great tool to keep and organise ideas, notes, projects . ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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